KY-SPIN’s Bridging the Gap in Special Education Training

Join KY-SPIN for this is an in-depth training which includes: • Building Partnerships • Overview of Section 504, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) & Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004 • Overview of Special Education Process (IDEA...

Virtual Caregiver Support Group: Handling Crises

Join KY-SPIN’s monthly caregiver support group specially designed for parents of children with disabilities of all ages. These virtual support groups are driven for families, by families. Each meeting offers caregiver support and a parent café. Handling Crises: Emergency...

Lunch and Learn: Identifying Mental Health Needs for Your Student

Understanding and addressing your student’s mental health is crucial for their success and well-being. This webinar will provide valuable insights for both caregivers and professionals on how to recognize signs of mental health challenges, navigate available resources, and offer...