What is Child Find?
According to the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR), 707 KAR 1:300, and the Code of
Federal Regulations, 34 CFR 300.111, Child Find is the process where local education agencies
(LEAs) must locate, identify and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth to age 21 who
may require early special education services and related services. This process includes children
who are:
- Ages 3 to 21;
- In or out of school;
- Advancing from grade to grade;
- Residing in a home, facility or residence within the LEA’s geographical boundaries;
- Parentally placed in private school, homeschool or attends virtual school;
- Foster children or wards of the state;
- Highly mobile, migrant or homeless children; and
- Incarcerated in a juvenile detention center, local or regional jail.
KDE Child Find Resources
- Guide for Child Find: This non-regulatory guidance is intended to provide special education professionals and parents with a reference guide for the Child Find process.
- The Child Find Poster provides contact information for when someone suspects a child has special needs. The Child Find Poster (Spanish)
- The Child Find Brochure provides information on possible signs that a child may have special needs and how someone may report that they suspect a child has special needs. The Child Find Brochure (Spanish)