Obtaining Transportation Services for COVID testing appointments

Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) & the Kentucky Transportation Department are partnering to assist individuals with disabilities obtain transportation services for COVID testing appointments.  Individuals with disabilities who need this service can contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 877-925-0037  to learn more about how to access this service.
DAIL Commissioner Victoria Elridge has posted a video to YouTube that can be accessed below.

This service will cover individuals who may not qualify for Medicaid to get the transportation they need to local, free, drive-thru testing sites.

10 Strategies to Manage Your Wellness During a Crisis

Maintain Routines: Continue established routines to find comfort and stability.

Keep Moving: Physical activity is critical for emotional regulation.

Create a Daily List: Make one that’s achievable and realistic.

Write it Down: Keep track of your emotions and responses; act if necessary.

Stay Positive: Be kind to yourself.

Learn to Grow: Create new rituals and connections.

Seek Balance: It’s ok to not be in control of everything.

Reward Success: Pay attention to small victories and celebrate them.

Laugh and Have Fun: Laughter is truly medicine.

Stay in the Moment for a Better Tomorrow: Tere’s always a tomorrow!

Kentucky Developmental Disabilities Network

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS COVID-19 Factsheet Laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act protect people with disabilities from discrimination in public services, employment, education, and their communities. A pandemic, like COVID-19, does not change those rights, unless it puts medical staff or others in danger. If you go to the hospital during this pandemic, you have rights.


COVID-19 Disability Fillable Form Please answer the questions on this form to help physicians provide you with proper medical treatment, in case you need to go to the hospital for COVID-19 related symptoms. Complete as many of the questions as possible.

Healthy at Home Activities

Cabinet for Health and Family Services: The Department for Medicaid Services is sharing a new resource for our 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services stakeholders to use as we navigate the COVID-19 state of emergency. The “Healthy at Home Activities Listing” includes information on virtual trips and tours, online learning opportunities, projects, and outdoor fun.