National Center for Learning Disabilites (NCLD)
KY Center for School Safety
“COVID-19 Safety Pledge” that students, parents, and community members can take. Take the Pledge COVID-19 Safety Pledge Handout.
Early Childhood
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC)
🗒️ Families: In my mind, I knew it wasn’t possible to reopen school buildings this spring. But Monday’s announcement did not end the school year. School continues every day in homes, thanks to your efforts. More in my 4/23 letter: #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) April 24, 2020
📺 | Families across Kentucky are grappling with a new reality—how to balance work, childcare and self-care needs? This evening at 8pm ET, @KET will bring experts together to share practical advice and resources for families facing this new challenge ➡️
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 20, 2020
🆕: @GovAndyBeshear recommends suspension of in-person classes continue in Kentucky through end of 2019-20 year due to #COVID19. Full story: #KyEd
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 20, 2020
Following a conversation with @kycommissioner and @GovAndyBeshear, it’s been recommended Kentucky schools do not return to in-person classes for the rest of 2019-20 year. Our schools will continue @MyNTIky in order to reach 1,062 instructional hours. More info soon. #KyEd
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 20, 2020
🗒️: Families: We’ve asked a great deal of you, more than any of us realized when this #COVID19 crisis began. Keep up the good work. More in my 4/17 letter here: #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) April 17, 2020
New @EducationWeek report examines social-emotional learning during school closure period ➡️ #TeamKentucky #KyEd #MyNTIKy
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 15, 2020
🆕: In an effort to recognize the work of educators and programs that serve students with a variety of learning needs, the Kentucky Department of Education has named 1⃣1⃣ Alternative Programs of Distinction. Full story –> #TeamKentucky #KyEd
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 15, 2020
🆕: Waivers will remove barriers to Kentucky educator preparation, certification amid #COVID19 crisis. Our recap from today’s Superintendents’ Webcast ➡️ #KyEd #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 14, 2020
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🗒️It’s been just over a month since Kentucky’s 1st case of #COVID19. Families: During this time when your kids are learning at home, they need you in ways you wouldn’t have thought of a month ago. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. #HealthyAtHome
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) April 10, 2020
With a shift to distance learning due to #COVID19, groups that advocate for and support children with disabilities collaborated to launch a site with curated tools, strategies, tips and best practices for supporting students with disabilities online.
— OSERS (@ED_Sped_Rehab) April 10, 2020
🆕: @GoTeachKY launches virtual teacher mentorship program for #COVID19 support — “Teachers Helping Teachers is a great way for educators to provide new ideas, resources and support for each other.” Story➡️ #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky #GoTeachKYAtHome
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 9, 2020
ICYMI: last week’s webinar on establishing circles of support was recorded and all the handouts are posted on our website! Great news!— ThinkCollege (@thinkcollegeICI) April 9, 2020
HELPFUL TIPS 👏 | @juddashley87, a 1st-grade teacher at Tyner Elementary School (Jackson County), provides tips for parents and guardians who are facilitating their children’s learning during #MyNTIKy in an entry on a @pbsteachers blog!
Check it out 👉
— NTI Kentucky (@MyNTIky) April 7, 2020
🆕: @kycommissioner issues, @LtGovColeman grants waiver that suspends requirements for civics test, early graduation exams amid #COVID19 crisis. Full story➡️ #KyEd
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 4, 2020
This webinar from @ECTACenter looks at early intervention through video-based tele-intervention and areas for states to consider when providing services during the #COVID19 pandemic. #OSERSGrants
— OSERS (@ED_Sped_Rehab) April 3, 2020
My 04/03/20 letter to families: We need your help w/ #socialdistancing, particularly with our middle & high school students. The best way to prevent #COVID19 is to avoid being exposed to it in the first place. ➡️ #KyEd #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky #TogetherKY
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) April 3, 2020
Best Practices for NTI. It’s a great time to establish deep connections with students! #MyNTIKy
— Jodi Dempsey (@JDatKDE) April 3, 2020
.@GovAndyBeshear recommends recommends school closure period be extended through May 1. More info from the call to public/private superintendents today: Full recap/story: #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky #TogetherKY
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) April 2, 2020
Thanks, @tn_transition for compiling this searchable database of #transition related curriculum!
— ThinkCollege (@thinkcollegeICI) April 1, 2020
With in-person professional development opportunities being canceled, KDE is offering professional learning modules that can serve as alternatives and help educators build better understanding of the Kentucky Academic Standards 👉 #MyNTIKy #TeamKDE
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) March 31, 2020
Our 2pm ET #COVID19 Special Superintendent’s Webcast on Special Education has begun. KDE Associate Commissioner Gretta Hylton is leading the discussion here:
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) March 31, 2020
#OSERS Rehabilitation Services Administration released initial Q&As to address title I of WIOA concerns as state vocational rehabilitation agencies seek to provide continuity of operations for individuals with disabilities during the #COVID19 pandemic.
— OSERS (@ED_Sped_Rehab) March 27, 2020
Educate, Feed and Support. My 3/27/20 update to Kentucky’s public school families about the #COVID19 crisis & our schools. @KyDeptofEd is here for the long-haul. We will support our students & districts: #KyEd #TeamKDE #TeamKentucky #TogetherKY
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) March 28, 2020
I just sent this email to all Kentucky superintendents, re: Senate Bill 177 and Statewide Blanket Approval of Additional @MyNTIky Days. #KyEd #MyNTIKy
— Kevin C. Brown, Interim Education Commissioner (@kycommissioner) March 26, 2020
Yesterday I signed SB 177 allowing school districts the ability to request an unlimited number of non-traditional instruction days for remote learning during #COVID19. We must still prioritize education for the future of our children. #TeamKentucky #TogetherKy @KyDeptofEd
— Governor Andy Beshear (@GovAndyBeshear) March 25, 2020
UPDATE: @KyDeptofEd submitted a waiver to @usedgov late Friday (3/20) evening which would grant Kentucky schools permission to skip accountability testing for 2019-20. We expect a quick & expedited review and approval process. As soon as we hear back, we will let you know. #KyEd
— KY Dept of Education (@KyDeptofEd) March 23, 2020