IDEA—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (NICHCY)
OSEP Policy Correspondence
OSEP’s Legislation and Policy Guidance
Building the Legacy: IDEA 2004 (DOE)
OSEP/DOE Guidance on Specific Topics in IDEA
- 11/12/14: U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, together with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, issued joint guidance about the rights of public elementary and secondary students with hearing, vision, or speech disabilities to effective communication. The guidance, in the form of a letter to educators (available in Spanish) with an attached Frequently Asked Questions document, is intended to help schools understand and comply with federal legal requirements on meeting the communication needs of students with disabilities. We are also releasing a fact sheet on the guidance for parents (available in Spanish).
- Bullying of Students with Disabilities Addressed in Guidance to America’s Schools U.S. Department of Education releases new guidance from the Office for Civil Rights regarding bullying students with disabilities. The Department issued guidance in the form of a letter to educators detailing public schools’ responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act regarding the bullying of students with disabilities.
- 2013 State Determination Letters For both Parts C and Part B.
- Access to Physical Education and Extracurricular Activities Policy guidance under Executive Order #13422, August 2011
- Bullying | Keeping Students with Disabilities Safe from Bullying Dear Colleague letter, with enclosure
- Discipline Procedures An informal Q&A, January 2007
- Disproportionality An informal Q&A on how states and LEAs can take steps to address disproportionate representation of racial/ethnic groups in special education, June 2009
- Dispute Resolution Procedures under Part B A Q&A document, July 23, 2013
- Early Intervening Services Memorandum to the Chief State School Officers and the State Directors of Special Education, July 28, 2008
- Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) Serving Children with Disabilities An informal Q&A, January 2007
- Homeless Children with Disabilities Policy Guidance under Executive Order #13422, February 2008
- IDEA Part B Supplemental Regulations Non-regulatory guidance, December 2008
- IEPs An informal Q&A, June 2010
- IEPs, Evaluations, and Reevaluations An informal Q&A, updated June 2010
- Modified Academic Achievement Standards Non-regulatory guidance, July 2007
- Monitoring, Technical Assistance, and Enforcement An informal Q&A, January 2007
- NIMAS (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards) An informal Q&A, revised August 2010
- Parental Consent for the Use of Public Benefits or Insurance to Pay for Services under IDEA A non-regulatory Q&A guidance, February 14, 2013
- Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures for Parents and Children with Disabilities An informal Q&A, January 2007
- Procedural Safeguards: Model Form Updated July 2009
- Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During an H1N1 Outbreak Policy guidance, December 2009
- RTI and Early Intervening Services (EIS) An informal Q&A, January 2007
- School Discipline and Climate Guidance Package From DOE, a dear colleague letter, principles, compendium of school discipline laws and regulations, directory of available federal technical assistance, and more. January 8, 2014.
- Serving Children with Disabilities Placed by Their Parents at Private Schools An informal Q&A, January 2007
- Transportation An informal Q&A on IDEA’s requirements for serving children with disabilities eligible for transportation, November 2009.
- Waiving Maintenance of Effort This guidance is called “Process and Criteria Used to Evaluate a Request by States to Waive Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirements under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).” Issued in June 2010.
Categories of disability under IDEA
FAQ: Kentucky Specific Regulations as related to IDEA 2004 Part B
FAQ: Kentucky Specific Regulations as related to IDEA 2004 Part B (ages 3-21) Chart (KY-SPIN, Inc.)