November 05, 2020 | Kellie Smith, Stella Beard
Stella: Good morning everyone, and thank you so much for joining us today as we present Charting the LifeCourse, we are in part five of our five-part series. Today we’re going to be actually talking about planning the portfolio and goal attainment. I am Stella Beard I’m with Kentucky SPIN and we’re so happy that you’ve joined us today.
[00:00:22] As I said, we are in part five...
Stella: Good morning everyone, and thank you so much for joining us today as we present Charting the LifeCourse, we are in part five of our five-part series. Today we’re going to be actually talking about planning the portfolio and goal attainment. I am Stella Beard I’m with Kentucky SPIN and we’re so happy that you’ve joined us today.
[00:00:22] As I said, we are in part five of this five part series, you can find the other webinars that we have done on our websites, parts one through four, will be uploaded on our video page of our website. And we hope that you’ll go back and catch up and find out all the great information that we have been talking about the LifeCourse tools.
[00:00:44] So we’re happy to have Kellie Smith with us. She will be doing the presentation today. But before Kellie gets started, I want to go over just a little bit of information with each of you. There will be a small delay in the slides,. So I want to make sure that you’re aware of that. If you are not seeing the slide pop up as quick as you think it should just know that there is a small delay in the presentation, and we do apologize about that. So just be sure that you’re made aware of that.
[00:01:19] I want to tell you just a little bit about Kentucky SPIN. Kentucky SPIN, we are the Special Parent Involvement Network, or the parent training and information center for the state of Kentucky. We are funded by the U.S. Department of Education, actually under the individuals with disabilities education act. And we have been the parent training information center for the state of Kentucky since 1988, so over 30 years. And I’m happy to say that we just received funding for another five years. So we’re very, very excited that we get to continue the work in Kentucky that we’ve been doing for the last 30 years.
[00:01:58] We work with all types of families who have children with all types of disabilities, birth through age 26. We work with families, parents, professionals, children and so we’re really proud of the work that we do.
[00:02:14] Just to tell you a little bit about myself. I have a 24 year old, with an intellectual disability. So I’ve been very involved in the special education process for many years. And I’m excited that I get to work with families and share that information with them and help them become better advocates for their children.
[00:02:33] And that’s kind of what we do. We empower families to effectively advocate for their children and we provide that peer support to help families access needed information and resources. So for example, none of our staff, I’m sorry, all of our staff, excuse me, are, either a parent of a child or an adult with an intellectual or developmental disability. They either have a disability themselves, or they’re a sibling of someone who has a disability.
[00:03:00] And what we do not do is, we do not act as attorneys. So we are not going to be providing families with any legal advice. As we say, we are going to empower them to effectively advocate for their children.
[00:03:12] So I’m excited that we have Kellie Smith with us. Oh, one more, a little bit of housekeeping. I’m sorry.
[00:03:18] If you look in the handouts part of your dashboard, you will see five handouts. One is the PowerPoint from today and the other four are just some resources that Kellie will be going over with you during the call today. So, if you want to download those now you are more than welcome to. But also know, later this afternoon, I will be sending an email out with all the handouts included in that email. So if you don’t want to take time to download them right now, that is totally fine.
[00:03:47] If you have a question, in today’s presentation, you will see a question box that you can drop down and type a question again. We would really appreciate you sending us question, for Kellie and I to answer for you, we’ll be more than happy. I will be monitoring those questions for her so we can stop throughout the presentation and answer those for you.
[00:04:08] So, Kellie, can you hear me?
[00:04:11] Kellie: I can.
[00:04:13] Stella: Awesome, I’m going to let you get started.
[00:04:15] All right. Well, thank you again everyone for attending with us today. We don’t take it for granted and we’re very excited to have you, so we’re going to jump right in. And like Stella said, this is part five of our Charting the LifeCourse series.
[00:04:32] Kellie: And this is really an excellent series that we have been so excited to do and to bring to you guys. I wish that I had, had the LifeCourse materials when my son was in high school. For those of you who don’t know, I have a 24 year old son with a traumatic brain injury and having these tools available would have made my life so much easier. So I urge parents to use these tools because they are absolutely phenomenal and something that we have discussed in the, you know, in the previous webinars that we’re also gonna talk about again, is that anyone can use these. They’re great for people who have disabilities, but they’re also great for people who don’t have disabilities as you’re going to be able to see.
[00:05:28] So diving right in, just, you know, to briefly go over some of the things we’ve learned so far is that Charting the LifeCourse is a framework. It’s not a program. So when we hear the term framework, let’s think of it as a structure or a vehicle used to kind of drive this. But there’s no right or wrong way to use it, you can use it for however you need it.
[00:05:56] It focuses on all people, regardless of age, ability or their family role. And we’ve discussed in the previous webinars, the life domains and life stages so, we’re not going to discuss those again, but if you aren’t familiar with those, I highly encourage you to go to the website or to go to our YouTube channel and watch our previous webinars on those.
[00:06:22] Charting the LifeCourse also recognizes the person within the context of their family. It brings awareness of life experiences across the lifespan, assists individuals and families plan for present and future life outcomes that take into account all facets of life, not just certain parts. It’s not just for employment, just for independent living, it literally takes everything into consideration.
[00:06:49] And it considers people lead whole loves, made up of specific connected and integrated life domains that are important to a good quality of life. Charting the LifeCourse believes that strategies or support, that strategies or supporting individuals can be organized into three categories or buckets. Stella you can go to the next slide, please.
[00:07:17] The three buckets are discovery and navigation. That’s having the information and tools you need to navigate life. Connecting and networking. That’s making connections with peers and resources to help you navigate. And goods and services. That’s the day to day tangible items you buy or use from public and private organizations in your community.
[00:07:43] Individuals and families access an array of integrated supports to achieve their envisioned good life. And every program organization, system and policy maker must operate in a family driven context. So that like we said is just a brief overview, and again, I thank you for joining us for this final part in this series.
[00:08:15] I think that it is important to also reiterate that this can be used by anyone for variety of reasons. These are for person centered visions. They are a way to communicate what an individual wants and needs. They identify areas of strength and identify areas of need. They map relationships and the role people play in an individual’s life. They map the roles the individual plays in the lives of others and helps the individuals stay on track while working towards goals.
[00:08:53] So the core belief of the Charting the LifeCourse tools is that all people have the right to live love, work, play and pursue their own life aspirations. Now, lots of times we talk about, especially when we’re doing webinars, we refer to how as parents, often we, when our kids are growing up, you know, when they’re Pre-K through high school even, you know, we fight for inclusiveness, but then when they get out of high school, we want to keep them in a bubble, all of a sudden. And we want to protect them from things that this, you know, big world has to offer. But these tools really help us explore, and understand that all people, regardless of disability have the right to live, love, work, play, and pursue their own life aspirations.
[00:09:50] So today we’re talking about the portfolio for planning. The Charting the LifeCourse portfolio for planning is made up of three tools that we have previously discussed. That’s the integrated support star, the one-pager or a student snapshot, or a one-page profile, lots of people use different names and there are tons of different formats for this. And then the life trajectory.
[00:10:18] So we’ve talked about them in our previous presentations, but this portfolio for planning, has them all included again, so you all have access to that.
[00:10:31] The life trajectory, this planning page looks a little different than it does in the portfolio for exploring because this portfolio is kind of meant to be your finished draft. Whereas your exploring trajectory was, you know, like a rough draft if you’re writing a paper. So that’s why it tends to look a little different on this one.
[00:10:55] So the integrated support star, let’s just review this quickly. The integrated support star is designed to help identify current and potential supports in the means of community based services and options, eligibility, specific resources, technology, relationships, as well as one’s own personal strengths and assets.
[00:11:22] And so this integrated support star belongs to Sarah. So, let’s just read through this really quick and maybe if you’re not familiar with the integrated service and support star, that you can figure out how to use this.
[00:11:38] So Sarah’s personal strengths and assets are that she’s good at reading. If she learns something once she’s gonna remember it. She’s a hard worker and she can organize her schedule and make appointments on our own.
[00:11:56] Some of the technology that she uses is an iPad, an iPhone, an X-Box. She knows how to use Uber and she can also use the internet to search, and she also has Facebook as well as email. Some of her relationship-based services or supports are her mom, her dad, her sisters, her aunts and uncles, her friends, and she names her friends. She has a boyfriend, his name is Manny and Manny’s family. And then she has coworkers and her Young Life friends. And I think in knowing just a little bit about some of Sarah’s other LifeCourse tools that Young Life is a youth group that she belongs to.
[00:12:47] Her community base, services and supports are that she has a job, she works at the mall. And then the eligibility specific services and supports are SSI, Medicaid, the staff at the ARC and she, the access express bus. So
[00:13:08] she has all those supports and she uses all of those supports to have her good life, whatever that is, you know, I don’t think it’s fair for us to get to determine what someone else’s good life is. So these are all the things that she uses in her life for her good life.
[00:13:29] And so I encourage you to print this out or each form that you get is editable, you can type in it, and fill one out for yourself. And I can honestly say that I have done this. And I have done it, especially at times when I’m feeling overwhelmed and alone that I will sit down, and I’ve done this more than once, sit down and look at my current supports so that I can identify areas where I may need more support. Or maybe if I think, if I can identify a support and put it, you know, in this format, it may be something I may be not utilizing as effectively as I could at that time.
[00:14:14] So again, I really, whether you’re a parent, you’re a professional, you’re an individual with a disability or without I highly recommend, just doing one of these for yourself. They’re really cool, they’re very informative, and it’s just a really great way to kind of help map things out for you.
[00:14:36] Does anyone have any questions about the integrated support star or anything that we reviewed so far?
[00:14:45] Stella: I don’t see any questions right now, but just as a reminder, if you do, please type those in the question box and we’ll be sure to answer them for you.
[00:14:52] Kellie: Perfect. Okay. So this is all about me. This is going to be your one-page profile or, let’s see last week we did on our LunchShop, we did this one-page profile or students’ snapshot, and we provided several different examples and the tools for those. So if you missed that, I highly encourage you to go back and watch the webinar. And then in our YouTube channel, and it may not be up yet, but if it isn’t, it will be in just a couple of days, there are links to all those resources listed in that. Or you can simply shoot us an email and we can send that information.
[00:15:36] So this page in the portfolio for planning is where, what people admire about, what is important to, and how to best support the individual. And that’s where it’s going to be documented. Keep in mind that this is for the individual that the person centered plan is for.
[00:15:56] It’s sometimes easy to get carried away with what we feel is best when doing things for, or with others. And I can, you know, say in my personal life, especially with my son, I have tended to get very carried away and it’s, I have to continually remind myself, you know, he has the right to experience these things. It’s not, although he’s my child and I want these things for him, what he wants out of his life, is his choice.
[00:16:33] It’s just really easy to get carried away when we’re, especially if we’re helping someone fill something out, well, I think this should go in here, and I think that should go in there. But just keep in mind that this is for the person that the person centered plan is for.
[00:16:49] So we use this tool to help us create a one-page profile or a student’s snapshot. And, again, if you miss that, go back and look at that video. You will receive all of this with your presentation today. And, the one that’s included in this portfolio for planning, it’s going to be kind of like your final draft, like we talked about with the life trajectory. It’s the one that you’ll want to give to any persons of interest that would benefit from knowing the important information displayed on this page.
[00:17:26] As stated in our part four of Charting the LifeCourse, this page is meant to change over time. So yes, it’s your current final draft, but we all change over time, as do our needs. So it’s important to know that there needs to be this final copy that’s just kind of polished and current so that we can give to people that we need to, and that as suitable to share.
[00:17:53] So let’s take a look at an example. And, this belongs to Cody. And so you start out, what people like and admire about me? What people like and admire about Cody is that he is funny, he’s honest and dependable. He’s hardworking and he’s loyal. What is important to Cody? Is, friendships, for people to be loyal to him as well, for people to treat him with respect. It’s important for him to have his own transportation and to be able to pay for his own things and to be able to make his own choices.
[00:18:42] And how to best support Cody is to accept him as he is. Help him understand his options and the consequences of his choices, but respect his choices. Remind him of needed car maintenance and help him follow through, help him budget and don’t nag.
[00:19:05] And I think if I were doing this for myself, it could probably be very similar. Something that, I can honestly say is I was having a discussion with my son about his vision for a good life and I think this is maybe where a lot of people tend to get off track. And he was very, he was kind of standoffish about it. And he’s like my vision for a good life is probably no different than anyone’s vision for a good life. He said, I want a good job, I want a family, I want a car. I want to be able to take care of things. And so just because he has a disability, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want all these same things, but this kind of helps people who, when they’re first meeting him, this is a great way for them to know right off the bat, how to best support him and his needs.
[00:20:07] And I think these are great tools, again for all of us to use. I personally think, you know, on our staff websites, you know, this is great. Have, you know, this is what, you know, a little bit about me. This is what’s important to me, and this is how you can support me. I feel like as employees, that’s great information for each of us to know about one another.
[00:20:32] And so again, just like the integrated star, I would encourage you to sit down and fill this out for yourself, just look at it. And it’s just very revealing when you take the time to do that.
[00:20:50] And so, we’re gonna move on to the life trajectory, which we said, you know, this is the initial exploring life trajectory worksheet. And this was included in the first session handouts. So this handout is used to kind of brainstorm and communicate things that are included in your vision of a quote, a good life, end quote. As well as what you don’t want in life, based on your past experiences and your future goals.
[00:21:30] So, here is an example of the polished version, the final draft, which is your life trajectory, in your planning portfolio, which is what you’re getting today.
[00:21:46] And so based on past life experiences, this person wants good friends, family involvement, a job, a car, and an apartment of his or her own. Based on past experiences, let’s see what they don’t want is for people, they don’t want to be used, none of us do. But based on their past experiences, they definitely don’t want to be used. Don’t want to feel alone, they don’t want to use drugs or alcohol. They don’t want to get speeding tickets ,don’t want to be in car accidents. And they don’t want to lose their job.
[00:22:39] So moving forward, they’d like to have a roommate and a girlfriend. They would like to get a bigger place to live and a newer car and have money left over at the end of the month.
[00:22:57] And let’s see, something that they don’t want is they don’t want to have poor company, poor hygiene, drug or alcohol abuse. They don’t want to miss work and they don’t want to mismanage their money.
[00:23:14] So the vision for what they want in life is a nice home, maybe get married and have children. They want a dependable, decent looking car. They want enough money to cover their needs and most of their wants. They want enough money to be able to save some and put some away. They want friends, they want to be surrounded by family and they want a good job.
[00:23:43] So they took the things that they do want from their past life experiences and their goal moving forward to determine their vision for what they want. This is their quote unquote, good life. What they want it to look like.
[00:24:02] And then using the past life experiences and moving forward the life that they don’t want. They didn’t want other people to make decisions for them, they don’t want to be belittled or made fun of. They don’t want to be broke or have no money. They don’t want to be stranded with no way to get anywhere and they don’t want to be lonely.
[00:24:29] So I can definitely say that my life trajectory could look very similar to this as well. So just using your past life experiences again, and the goals you have moving forward is how you’re going to determine the vision for what you want and the vision for what you don’t want.
[00:24:50] Again, just like with the others, I highly encourage each of you to print this out. If you’ve never done it, fill it out for yourself. It’s just very enlightening, when you think, you know, when you’re looking back and looking forward, you know, kind of at the same time to determine what you really want, what’s really important to you. And what’s really important that you don’t have in your life anymore.
[00:25:19] So I’m going to pause again, to see if we have any questions or comments?
[00:25:28] Stella: No questions right now, Kellie. I think, I love the way that it ties it all in, after you’ve done all the other work and then it ties it all in. And I know a lot of people probably think, gosh, that’s a lot of information, but I promise you when you take the time really to sit down and do it, it makes, it really adds a lot. And it helps to really plan and make some really good things.
[00:25:54] We’re working on a lot of these tools with my son. And even though it is some work that we’re putting into it, in the long run, it’s definitely worth it.
[00:26:04] Kellie: Absolutely. I would love to see, you know, school’s really embracing these LifeCourse tools to help with their transitioning students. I think these are just amazing and yeah, it is a process to get, you know, to get this polished version. But it’s so worth it. It’s so, so worth it to really just sit down and consider and doing it before it’s, I don’t want to say too late because I don’t think it’s ever too late, but you really want to get a leg up on this. You really want to be proactive in getting these things done. You don’t want to be trying to start these when you’re 25, if you don’t have to. If you have these tools available to you at, you know, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old, that’s so much better.
[00:27:02] And then, you know, like I said before, these things are going to change because we change as people and our needs change over time. So these things are going to change based on our needs. Once we meet our goals, we need to set new goals, which is what brings us right into our next topic, which is the goal attainment tool. And I love this. I absolutely love it. I had not seen this before until I guess over the summer and I just think it’s phenomenal.
[00:27:42] So this is the goal attainment and planning and tracking tool. This tool is used to define a goal, define what successfully attaining that goal looks like. As well as strategies, support and target dates. So we’re going to break this down and kind of look at each section just a little closer.
[00:28:04] So the first section, is your goal box. And if you notice on the sheet, there is only one goal box. So you are going to need a separate sheet for each one of your goals.
[00:28:19] So, let’s take a poll for just a second, and it’s getting ready to pop up on your screen. If you can please participate. And the questions are, how far out do you think that goals should be sit? Less than one year, less than two years, less than three years, or it depends on the situation?
[00:28:52] We’ll give everyone just a couple of seconds to participate and then Stella, if you could just tell us what you see.
[00:29:02] Stella: Well, right now, it looks like a hundred percent says it depends on the situation.
[00:29:07] Kellie: And I completely agree with you, it absolutely depends on the situation. You know, it may not be realistic for someone who is 15 years old, who has a goal of owning a home to get that in a year.
[00:29:22] So, but I think, for most practical purposes I prefer, and this is just my preference with my child, I try not to set goals out more than two years. Because I feel like if he sees progress, it’s going to be much better for him to keep going. You know, it’s going to be easier for him to keep going if he’s seeing that he’s meeting goals and making progress. So that’s kind of where we stay, but I totally agree that it does depend on the situation.
[00:29:57] So, if we are looking back at Cody’s life trajectory that we talked about previously, what would be a good goal to start with? You know, he wants things like, a home, you know, a bigger place to live and a nicer car, and he wants to have money to cover all of his needs and most of his wants. He wants to be able to save money. So in order to do those things, he’s going to need to have a good job.
[00:30:32] So, in this next section we’re going to talk about, okay so this is his goal to have a good job. So the next section we’re going to look at is what success looks like.
[00:30:52] So, can anyone, would anyone be interested in just typing in the box what you think success would look like in this area, having a good job? Would it be one, you know, with that has a higher pay scale or would it be one with benefits or would it be one that meets his, you know, life needs?
[00:31:27] You know, I think we all have, you know, many of us, probably all of us have our own interpretation of what a good job looks like. You know, I’ve walked away from jobs and people have told me I’m crazy. It’s such a good job, such a good job, but it wasn’t a good job for me. It wasn’t what I needed at the time, even though the money was great. The job wasn’t what I needed at the time. So I think we all kind of look at things differently.
[00:31:57] So obviously this is going to be Cody’s decision. Does anybody have any input here or anything, they would like to say what they feel like a good job looks like?
[00:32:08] Stella: Somebody put, if this is his first job, $10 an hour and 20 hours a week.
[00:32:18] Kellie: I think that’d be great.
[00:32:22] Stella: Absolutely.
[00:32:25] Kellie: So what would success look like? Or minimal success? Let’s start there with the one-star. What would a minimum, what, describe what minimum success would look like for this goal?
[00:32:42] I would say minimum success would maybe be to have a job, but maybe that doesn’t maybe just to have a job, you know, that may be minimal success.
[00:32:56] Stella: And someone even said, you know, just have a minimum wage job at 10 hours a week. So, you know, there’s goals to work to.
[00:33:03] Kellie: Absolutely. Just having something, making one step.
[00:33:07] So, you know, and if you see, to the right of your box where you’re, you know, defining success and then you have your success scale. You have boxes where you can put, that you can put the date at the top and you can mark each one where they are. And so you can go over this, you know, this sheet allows you to go six times or, so you can go in and you can fill in where you are, you know, each like check point.
[00:33:37] So what about, describe what expected success looks like for this goal? Maybe, expecting success okay. So let’s go back to the first, the first comment that said 20 hours a week at $10 an hour. I think that’s pretty good. So if we go on up above that, what exceeds the expected success? Maybe, you know, $12 hour at 20 hours a week, or maybe it’s, you know, $10 an hour at 30 hours a week, or, you know, 35 or 40 hours a week.
[00:34:18] So again, these are all going to be very, very person centered and specific to the individual that you’re working with, what that success looks like. But this is so important and a way to really write it down and keep track. I’m a firm believer in visuals. and we all know that like, okay, so let’s let me just say this. Okay, so, we voted and we got a sticker, right? So let’s think of these stars as stickers. They’re showing your progress. They’re showing something you did. What, you know, child potty training, they love to get stickers or, you know, rewards. This is a great way to kind of say, you know what, you’re making this progress. This is getting done. And to be able to visually see what’s happening is a great, great tool.
[00:35:11] And, —
[00:35:12] Stella: Kellie another thing I think that is oh, sorry,
[00:35:16] Kellie: No problem.
[00:35:16] Stella: I was just going to say another thing that’s really cool, especially with employment is, you know, we all start somewhere, but it’s not where we want to end. Of course, you know, my first job was at Hardee’s, but thank goodness I’m not in Hardy’s anymore, but you know, you work up.
[00:35:29] And one thing, I think a lot of times adults with disabilities don’t think about it’s that that job can turn into, you know, something maybe with benefits where, you know, they could end up having health insurance, and they could get off those means tested benefits at some point in their life. Cause if they have, you know, a full-time job with benefits, I think that’s a great goal to look, you know, toward, as life goes on. And I think a lot of the times. You know, they, a lot of times I think families and adults with disabilities, forget to look at it that way. It’s like, that could be, you know, a great success so that’s something to think about.
[00:36:14] Kellie: Absolutely. And I completely agree. And I think it’s also very important to stress to these young people that we do that very few of us have the same job that we started with that we first started out with. I’ve met very few people like that and, you know, in my life, I definitely am not one. I have had all kinds of jobs trying to, I guess find the one that was perfect for me.. and that’s okay. It’s okay to explore, it’s okay to learn. It’s okay to figure things out. And that’s what all this is about.
[00:36:55] So the next section is what’s working or not working. The first box says what’s working? So successes at, you know, finding a good job might be pay or maybe it’s, you know, accommodations. What’s working? Maybe you’re getting, you know, the perfect amount of hours. There may be the time of day you’re working is working out really well for you.
[00:37:28] And then on the flip side, what’s not working? Maybe it’s the amount of hours you’re getting, or maybe, you know, just the same, maybe it’s the time of day that you’re being scheduled to work, that isn’t working for you. Maybe it’s, you know, working out in the weather doesn’t work for you or, you know, maybe you prefer to work outside.
[00:37:53] Again, these are going to be very, very individualized and specific to the person that you’re working with or that you’re filling these out for. So, but it’s a great way to document so that you can address, focus on what’s going great, but you cannot eliminate what does, what’s not working for you? This is going to be a great way to problem solve.
[00:38:18] Does anybody have anything they would like to input on that or anything that would like to say?
[00:38:29] Stella: I don’t see any questions right now.
[00:38:33] Kellie: Okay. So moving on, the strategies, supports and dates. So in each section, there are the strategies that are being used. So for instance, transportation. You know, these are going to be things that are working for you, and then you’re going to use your integrated support stars to identify supports that you can use to help you with that.
[00:39:07] So for instance, if we’re looking again at Cody’s. You know, he wants a car, so we assume he has a license, or he has, you know, he wants a nicer car. So we assume he has a car and a driver’s license. So that might be one of his strengths. I don’t think it was documented, but that may be a, you know, one of his strengths and assets is that he can, he can drive a car and that he has a car.
[00:39:33] Or it may look like, you know, Sarah’s who she knows how to access the bus. So we define what strategies we’re going to use and the supports that were going to the, you know, that we need to utilize to work with that.
[00:39:50] And then you’re going to pick a start date and then your target end date. So that’s going to be, your target end date is going to be when you expect to have this goal completed. And then think back to the previous part we just looked at, you know, you’ve got those checkpoints, so you’re to want to look at that periodically.
[00:40:09] And then we have this success scale. So once your strategies, support and date section have all been completed, the success being made will periodically be evaluated, like I said, back up at the success scale. The scale provides a place and date for the individual to weigh the progress towards meeting that goal.
[00:40:36] So it’s very, very important again, to go back and look. Look and see what kind of progress you’re making towards those goals. You may need to change them. You may need to, you know, move, you know, move some things around, that’s okay. That’s part of life. That’s what we, that’s just what we do.
[00:40:58] Stella: Kellie, someone made a comment that says it’s a great tool for getting unstuck. And I liked that because, when you’ve written, you know, you’ve got things written down, you can remember. As much as I want to think I’m going to remember stuff it’s very difficult to, unless it’s written down, especially as a goal. So I love that it keeps you from getting unstuck and, then —
[00:41:17] Kellie: I love that.
[00:41:18] Stella: Yeah. And then somebody said, what do you put in the small box by the stars?
[00:41:26] Kellie: To the right of the stores in the blue? That’s where you’re going to keep track of where your goals are. You can put your dates in there, cause remember, keep in mind that you’re checking back, you’re doing your checkpoints, and how, how it’s going towards meeting your goal. and again, I apologize, but this is part of one page. So if you can flip, can you flip back Stella to the slide that shows the whole page again?
[00:42:04] Get back again. There we go. So you see this, we’re kind of looking at everything as a whole now, so you’ve got your, you know, what, you know, in the mid-section there, you’ve got your definition of what success looks like. And then you’ve got your stars to kind of help, you know, that’s your success scale, writing where you’re at, at that time.
[00:42:28] So in the box, you can put a check bar, you can put a date. Again, this is a framework, it’s not a program. This is something that you can use, so whatever makes sense to you. Put it in that box, just that you’re checking in where you are on this date. Maybe online November 5th, 2020, you’re at, you know, you’ve got one star, you’re, you know, you’re just getting started. You’ve got minimal success. But maybe by February 5th, you have two stars or three stars.
[00:43:06] And so you would just go through and you know, like I said, mark them with a date, a star, a sticker, whatever works for you. Again, it’s just important to remember that there’s no wrong way to use this. This is completely individualized, so however you need it to be.
[00:43:26] A framework is our key word here.
[00:43:31] And so if you want to go back to our, where we were.
[00:43:41] Okay. So, the definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. You or the individual you serve, define their own success. These tools are going to help hone, organize, and track the desired outcomes of choice. Giving the keys to success however, is an incredibly special opportunity that we have.
[00:44:07] Take these tools, explore the website, which is included in your PowerPoint with clickable links, watch and share the videos. And let’s all lift one another up as we open our own doors. It’s so important. I don’t even know that I have the right words. It is so important, to allow people the opportunity to choose, and to decide what is best for them and learning how to support that. And that is what we all want.
[00:44:52] You know, I mentioned the times that, you know, and I’ve done it more than once, walked away from a really great job. People think I’m crazy. And what I really want is for someone to support me. Not to think that something’s wrong with me, not to think, even if they believe that I’m making a mistake, it would be nice if they offered me some, maybe some constructive criticism or, if they voiced their opinions in a suitable way. But it’s really hard when you’re making an important move and you don’t feel like you have any support.
[00:45:30] So, whether this is for you, your child or someone you work with, it’s important that you learn how to support this individual. And help them learn how to communicate what they want and need out of their life.
[00:45:44] Does anybody else have any questions or final comments?
[00:45:53] Stella: I don’t see any other questions right now, let me look one more time just to make sure.
[00:46:03] Yeah, I don’t see anything right now.
[00:46:06] Kellie: Okay, well, perfect. Well, you all are going to get a 10 minutes back of your day. Before we go, I would like to ask that you please complete the evaluation that is going to pop up at the end of this presentation.
[00:46:21] I would also like to remind everyone that every Tuesday at 11 o’clock, we have a Tuesday Tip, webinar on all kinds of different topics and information.
[00:46:32] And then every Thursday we have additional webinars with all kinds of different topics and we have lots of guest speakers. We’re very, very excited for what we have coming up over the next couple of months.
[00:46:45] And for the most up-to-date information and resources for individuals with disabilities, their families and professionals during COVID-19, please visit our webpage.
[00:46:56] And then, you can also subscribe to our Kentucky SPIN e-news that goes out on a regular basis if you haven’t already.
[00:47:06] And if you, I have any questions, comments, or need assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We, if you have to leave a message, we will get back to you within 24 hours.
[00:47:19] So if there’s nothing else, you guys have a wonderful day.
[00:47:24] Stella: Thanks, Kellie! Everybody please complete the evaluation. Everyone have a great day. Thanks.
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