Myth: A child is too smart for special education
Truth: There are many ways a child may qualify for special education, in fact, children who qualify are among some of the brightest children! For children ages 3-21 there are a variety of categories under Individuals with Disabilities Education improvement Act (IDEA), a federal law, a child may qualify for. There are a number of ways a disability can educationally effect a child. Examples are social/emotional, health, vision, hearing, academics, etc.
If they qualify there will be an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed to meet their needs. An IEP team will meet which includes the parent and student to develop the IEP. If your child has been diagnosed with a disability or you suspect they have one you can refer them to be evaluated. Follow the steps in our How to Get An Evaluation for Your Child Through School (ages 3-21) Information Sheet. A sample letter requesting evaluation can be found on Requesting an Initial Evaluation for Special Education Services (CPIR).