- Starting with Me: A Guide to Person-Centered Planning for Job Seekers (National Center on Workforce & Disability/Adult)
- Research careers and the need for various jobs in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Or, for an interactive tool, try the U.S. Department of Labor’s career search. - Getting and Keeping the First Job (FAST, PACER)
- Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Assists individuals with disabilities to achieve suitable employment and independence. KY Career Center Vocational Rehabilitation Consumer Guide (KYOVR)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee.
- Job Accommodation Network Source of free, expert, and guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
- Office of Disability Employment Policy at the U.S. Department of Labor Series of videos addresses various topics that will help young people with disabilities navigate the job search process.
- Disability.gov The U.S. federal government website for information on disability programs and services nationwide.
- CareerOneStop
- Ticket to Work (OVR) Offers Social Security disability beneficiaries greater choice in obtaining the services they need to help them go to work.
- Bullying and Disability Harassment in the Workplace: What Youth Should Know (NCWD)